Bubatz legal in Deutschland

Smoke-in am Brandenburger Tor läutet Cannabislegalisierung ein

Zäsur in der deutschen Drogenpolitik: Am 1. April erfolgt die Teillegalisierung von Cannabis. Erwachsene dürfen dann, unter Auflagen, ihre Joints genießen. Ein Bericht aus Berlin


epa11254048 A participant smokes a joint in front of the Brandenburg Gate next to a placard reading in German 'We don't want to be offenders!' on the occasion of a so called 'Smoke-In' event in Berlin, Germany, 01 April 2024. Activists and supporters welcomed a new status of law, regarding the use of cannabis, in Germany. The German Federal Council 'Bundesrat' on 22 March approved a law decriminalizing the recreational usage of cannabis in Germany for adults age 18 and over. Starting 01 April 2024 it will be legal for adults in Germany to possess up to 50 grams of dried cannabis at home and up to 25 grams in public for personal use. The law allows growth and distribution only in cultivation associations also called Cannabis Social Clubs and comes into force on 01 July 2024. People can purchase cannabis for recreational use if they are members of those specific clubs but cannot consume it in the premises. EPA/CLEMENS BILAN


Friedrich Merz hat es auch schon mal getan. In seiner Schulzeit, die ja schon einige Jahrzehnte her ist, zog der heutige CDU-Partei- und -Fraktionschef an einem Joint. "Es war furchtbar", sagte er kürzlich über dieses Erlebnis dem Nachrichtensender n-tv.