Am vergangenen Mittwoch stürmte ein vom amerikanischen Präsidenten aufgestachelter Mob das symbolische Herz der ältesten Demokratie der Welt. Der Prozess der friedlichen Machtübergabe, zentral für das Funktionieren einer Demokratie, wurde dadurch empfindlich geschwächt. Ein Blick zurück in die Vergangenheit zeigt, wie es anders geht. 

Der erste amerikanische Präsident, George Washington, von 1789 bis 1797 im Amt, trat nach seiner zweiten Regierungszeit freiwillig ab. Diese Entscheidung wird im Lied „One Last Time“ in „Hamilton", einem Musical über das Leben des amerikanischen Staatsmannes, Gründungsvaters und ersten Finanzministers Alexander Hamilton besungen. Washingtons Abschiedsrede von damals bildet die Basis für den Text des Liedes. 

Es folgen einige der wichtigsten Passagen aus "One Last Time":

“One last time/The people will hear from me/One last time/And if we get this right/We're gonna teach ‘em how to say/Goodbye/You and I“ - Ein letztes Mal wird das Volk von mir hören. Und wenn wir es richtig machen bringen wir ihnen bei, wie man sich verabschiedet.

„If I say goodbye, the nation learns to move on/It outlives me when I'm gone” - Wenn ich mich verabschiede, lernt die Nation, weiterzumachen und ohne mich weiterzuleben.

„History has its eyes on you” - Die Geschichte beobachtet dich.

Das anschließende Video zeigt Christopher Jackson als George Washington (links) und Lin-Manuel Miranda als Alexander Hamilton (rechts) bei einer Aufführung des Liedes im Weißen Haus im März 2016. Im Publikum sitzen Präsident Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama und der damalige Vizepräsident Joe Biden. Der vollständiger Liedtext befindet sich im Anschluss an das Video. 


Liedtext "One Last Time"

[HAMILTON] Mr. President, you asked to see me?
[WASHINGTON] I know you're busy
[HAMILTON] What do you need, sir? Sir?
[WASHINGTON] I wanna give you a word of warning
[HAMILTON] Sir, I don't know what you heard, But whatever it is, Jefferson started it
[WASHINGTON] Thomas Jefferson resigned this morning
[HAMILTON] You're kidding
[WASHINGTON] I need a favor
[HAMILTON] Whatever you say, sir, Jefferson will pay for his behavior
[WASHINGTON] Shh. Talk less
[HAMILTON] I'll use the press. I'll write under a pseudonym, you'll see what I can do to him-
[WASHINGTON] I need you to draft an address
[HAMILTON] Yes! He resigned. You can finally speak your mind-
[WASHINGTON] No, he's stepping down so he can run for President
[HAMILTON] Ha. Good luck defeating you, sir
[WASHINGTON] I'm stepping down. I'm not running for President
[HAMILTON] I'm sorry, what?
[WASHINGTON] One last time/Relax, have a drink with me/One last time/Let's take a break tonight/And then we'll teach them how to say goodbye/To say goodbye/You and I
[HAMILTON] No, sir, why?
[WASHINGTON] I wanna talk about neutrality
[HAMILTON]Sir, with Britain and France on the verge of war, is this the best time-
[WASHINGTON] I want to warn against partisan fighting
[WASHINGTON] Pick up a pen, start writing/I wanna talk about what I have learned/The hard-won wisdom I have earned
[HAMILTON] As far as the people are concerned/You have to serve, you could continue to serve-

Lin-Manuel Miranda als Alexander Hamilton.
Foto: Evan Agostini/Invision/AP

[WASHINGTON] No! One last time/The people will hear from me/One last time/And if we get this right/We're gonna teach ‘em how to say/Goodbye/You and I-
[HAMILTON] Mr. President, they will say you're weak
[WASHINGTON] No, they will see we're strong
[HAMILTON] Your position is so unique
[WASHINGTON] So I'll use it to move them along
[HAMILTON] Why do you have to say goodbye?
[WASHINGTON] If I say goodbye, the nation learns to move on/It outlives me when I'm gone/Like the scripture says:/"Everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree/And no one shall make them afraid."/They'll be safe in the nation we've made/I wanna sit under my own vine and fig tree/A moment alone in the shade/At home in this nation we've made/One last time
[HAMILTON] One last time
 [HAMILTON] Though, in reviewing the incidents of my administration, I am unconscious of intentional error, I am nevertheless too sensible of my defects not to think it probable that I may have committed many errors. I shall also carry with me
[HAMILTON and WASHINGTON] The hope/That my country will/View them with indulgence;/And that/After forty-five years of my life dedicated to its service with an upright zeal/The faults of incompetent abilities will be/Consigned to oblivion, as I myself must soon be to the mansions of rest/I anticipate with pleasing expectation that retreat in which I promise myself to realize the sweet enjoyment of partaking, in the midst of my fellow-citizens, the benign influence of good laws/Under a free government, the ever-favorite object of my heart, and the happy reward, as I trust/Of our mutual cares, labors, and dangers.

[WASHINGTON] One last time
[ALL WOMEN] George Washington's going home!
[HAMILTON] Teach ‘em how to say goodbye
[WASHINGTON] You and I/Going home/History has its eyes on you/We're gonna teach ‘em/how to/Say goodbye!/Teach ‘em how to/Say goodbye!/To say goodbye!Say goodbye!
One last time!

[COMPANY] George Washington's going home/George Washington's going home/George Washington's going home/George Washington's going home/Teach ‘em how to say goodbye!/
Teach ‘em how!/Say goodbye!/Say goodbye!/One last time!

(Stella Schuhmacher, 13.1.2021)

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